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Religious Education

Religious Education Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

Curriculum Lead Teacher: Mrs Kidman


Religious Education Lead: Mrs Kidman

At St Gabriel’s, we view Religious Education as an invitation to explore and a promise of life for everyone. It offers the opportunity to search, to discover and to respond; this is part of what it is to be human.

Our curriculum leads our children to aspire not to have more, but to be more; children are taught about God’s love’ they learn about their Christian responsibilities; children are provided with experiences of church, Catholic and Christian traditions, as well as being taught to be respectful and understanding of people and traditions from other faith backgrounds. Through Religious Education, our children learn about their unique place within the home, school and parish community.


The curriculum for Religious Education aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Have a closer relationship with God; reflecting upon their personal experiences and learning, discerning their Faith within a supportive environment.
  • Are given the opportunity to engage with their Faith at a deeper level.
  • Achieve well and enjoy their learning in Religious Education.
  • Deepen their religious understanding and are able to communicate this effectively with us.
  • Develop their awareness of other faiths, in order to respect and understand them.
  • Develop their skills in relating their Catholic faith to everyday life


Religious Education aims to raise questions and provide materials for children to reflect on their own experiences. The school’s catholic ethos and desire to live by the gospel values lays the foundations for the mission and vision of all the community. For all children, the programme will raise questions of meaning and purpose and enable children to think critically, providing materials for reflecting on their own experience. The school’s curriculum ensures that children experience a rich, broad experience that allows greater depth in children’s learning and ensures that all children achieve well, make good progress and any gaps in learning are fully addressed.

It will help them to explore the beliefs and values and the way of life of the Catholic traditions, and of other faith traditions, developing good attitudes and dispositions so that children are instilled with a ‘love of learning’ and a desire to go on learning.

Children will be offered a sense of self-worth through experience of belonging to the caring community of our very special school.

In our school scheme of “Come and See”, each class in KS1 and KS2 covers 3 topics, each term which link to a whole school theme. In addition to this, the children learn about other faiths and religions throughout the year. We compliment our “Other Faiths” Topics by inviting in visitors, who offer a realistic and in-depth understanding. In EYFS, we are currently rolling our the updated RED, ” To know you more clearly”, which offers the opportunity to create a bespoke curriculum fit for our children.


At St Gabriel’s we believe the welcoming, respectful environment – enriched in Catholic morals and teachings – continues to enhance the educational and pastoral experience of every individual passing through our doors, to ensure that they develop and become well-rounded individuals within the community, with the ambition to reach their potential and succeed.

We recognise the unique needs of each child and support them in developing the whole child. We have a supportive ethos and our approaches support the children in developing both their collaborative and independent skills.

 The impact of our Curriculum is measured in the experiences, confidence and competence of our children within the subject. We ensure children receive the experiences they require, both within and beyond the curriculum, to develop their skills and knowledge and become religiously literate young people. By revisiting and building upon religious learning, children will deepen their understanding and show the knowledge, understanding and skills (appropriate to their age and ability) to reflect spiritually and to think ethically and theologically.

Class Rejoice Reflections, at the end of each topic, are used as an opportunity for the children to share their learning in Come and See with the rest of the class.

Opportunities for children in EYFS to celebrate how Christians live offer opportunities to make links.

Religious Education Documents

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