Our open evening for children starting reception in 2025, will take place on Thursday 14th November at 4pm.

Class 1 – Reception

Hi and Welcome to Class 1 - Reception

This year is very exciting! For some Reception children, it is their first year at school!

In Reception, your child will start to learn how to read using the Read Write Inc programme. We will be learning the first 26 letter sounds. Throughout the year we will continue to develop our reading and writing skills, beginning to read and write sentences. We will also be developing our handwriting skills.  This year in maths we will be developing basic maths skills across the different areas. Initially we will begin with recognising numbers to 10 and counting objects using 1 to 1 correspondence. We will be orally counting to 20 and recognising some 2D shapes.

Our teachers in Class 1 - Reception are:
Miss Reay
Miss Reay

Typically, a day in Class 1 - Reception consists of:

Reception is an important year in school for your children. Not only do they learn to read and write but they develop their social and emotional skills as well and the speaking and listening. In Reception, a typical day consists of Read Write Inc and handwriting lessons, followed by snack and a story. Then the children are able to access provision to extend their learning and development through play. After this we have a daily maths lesson. The afternoons consist of  topic lessons, including music and RE and key person sessions.

In Autumn term 1 our topic is all about ourselves, learning what we look like, including our skeleton. We also learn how to keep healthy by eating the right foods, exercising, getting enough sleep and hygiene. We also join in with lots of circle time activities to get to know each other in our new class.

In Autumn 2 our topic is ‘light and dark’. In this topic we look at Autumn and seasonal changes as well as differences between day and night. We learn about nocturnal animals including owls. We move on to space, learning about rockets and famous astronauts. We make our own rockets using junk modelling.

In Spring 1, our topic is all about Winter. We look at the polar regions, including the climate, environment and the animals that live there. We have a science visitor coming in to show us some amazing science experiments and magic tricks. We also look at Chinese New Year where we learn about the culture and how and why it is celebrated. We join in with a Chinese dragon dance.

In Spring 2, we look at traditional tales stories, which looks more closely at houses and homes and materials. We also bake Ginger bread biscuits as part of looking at the Gingerbread Man story. We also start to look at human life cycles and what we looked like as babies to what we look like now.

In Summer term 1, we are learning about plants, learning what they need to grow and naming the different parts. We will also be naming a variety of common flowers. We will also be looking at the life cycle of a chick and tadpole. Then we move on to naming common minibeasts and learning some key facts about them.

In Summer term 2 we will be learning about the world around us. We will be looking closely at maps and our local area, learning what maps are used for and where we live. We will also be learning about the King and where he lives. Then we will be looking at pirates, linking to the previous map work. We will be learning how to use a Beebot (robot) to move around a mat.

Other general information:

P.E Days

Our PE days are Fridays. Please make sure your child is brought to school in their PE kits on these days.

Library Days

Reading books are changed after school on Wednesdays. Please make sure that the reading record book has been signed. Book bags must come into school every day.


Parents are expected to listen to their child read at least four times each week  and sign their child’s reading diary


Please make sure your child brings a coat to school everyday.  We spend a lot of time outside in Reception.

Thank you for all your support.

Miss Reay.


Class 1 - Reception Gallery

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