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Class 10 – Year 4

Hi and Welcome to Class 10 - Year 4

Here you will find information about our class and what we are learning about.

In Writing we will be using the book “The firework makers daughter” to explore writing a letter, diary, instructions and our own narrative.

In Reading we will be using the books “Arthur and the golden rope” and “The boy who grew dragons” to develop our vocabulary, our recall and our inference skills.

In Maths, we will continue to develop our understanding of place value, the 4 operations, measurement, statistics and shape.

In Science we will be learning about humans and the digestive system followed by investigating magnets and forces towards the end of the term.

In Geography we will start the term learning about the UK and improving our location knowledge and then move on to learning about coastlines.

In History we will be learning about the Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and Normans in our invaders and settlers topic trying to answer the question “Why did people from other lands come to settle in England?”

In Art we will start by developing our drawing skills by drawing a portrait, working on proportion and positioning. After this we will be using clay to create 3D sculptures.

In DT we will be looking at health and nutrition and using this knowledge to design and make a healthy snack.

In RE will will continue to learn about the Catholic faith through the understanding of scripture and how it relates to our lives.

Our teachers in Class 10 - Year 4 are:
Mr Howes
Miss Oliver
Mr Howes
Miss Oliver

Typically, a day in Class 10 - Year 4 consists of:

School starts at 8.40am and your child can come in through the doors on the back playground. Children should be prompt into school as lessons begin at 8.50am. If they are having school dinners please ensure these are ordered at home.

Children will study Maths and English every day, practicing their calculation, reading and writing skills. They will also have the opportunity to study various other subjects throughout the week including; History, Geography, Science, Art, RSHE, Computing and RE. On Mondays and Tuesdays children will take part in PE lessons and should wear their PE kit into school on those days. Children will have the opportunity to learn a stringed instrument with the Wigan Music Alliance on Tuesday afternoons. Instruments will be provided for each child.

Children have a playtime at 11am and dinner at 12.30.

The doors will open onto the back playground for the end of the day at 3.20pm where you should collect them.

Children will receive homework which needs to be completed and handed in on a weekly basis, and are expected to read at home with an adult a minimum of 3 times a week. Please ensure your child’s reading record is signed by an adult for each instance they read, and that the reading record is in school each day.



Other general information:

P.E Days

Children have PE on Mondays and Tuesdays. They can come to school in their PE kit – either navy shorts and a red t-shirt or a navy tracksuit and red t-shirt along with black trainers.

Children have Music on Tuesdays.

Library Days

Children can change their library books on a Monday


Homework: To be completed and handed in on Fridays

Each week Year 4 will get spellings, either Maths or English. There are also times when projects linked to Science, Geography or History may be sent home.

Please make sure children read times a week and access Spelling Shed.

We would like our class to be ‘Green Readers’, this means that every child needs to ensure they read at least 3 times at home and bring in their signed reading record. Children who read more than 3 times will get a reward. Children who do not read at home will need to make up this reading during their playtime.



I’m looking forward to an exciting year in Year 4 and am here to support your children in any way I can.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to speak to me on the playground at the end of the day, by ClassDojo or phone the school office and leave a message, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

This year your child is lucky enough to have access to a Healthy Living workshop on Thursday afternoon.

Mr Howes

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