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Class 10 – Year 4

Hi and Welcome to Class 10 - Year 4

Welcome to Year 4.

Here you will find information about our class and what we are learning about.

In Spring Term, we will be looking at the Victorians era, Queen Victoria and other significant Victorian people. We will learn about the Industrial Revolution and the growth of the British Empire before moving onto local history. In science, we will be looking at forces including gravity, friction. We’ll have plenty of investigations to explore forces and how they act upon one another. Later in the term we will studying the Earth, Sun and Moon, finding out about our solar system. In Design and Technology, our topic is Mechanical Systems, and we will be looking at pulleys and gears, making links to our forces science topic. In Art, we will be looking at textiles and weaving and after half term we will be printing linking this to William Morris. In Computing, we will look at flat-file databases and how to search through records using fields along with creating games in Scratch. In RSHE, we will be focusing on healthy online relationships and how to keep ourselves safe online, before moving onto Mental Wellbeing. In Religious Education, we focus on three questions; ‘Do we all have a mission in life?’, ‘Why do we need memories?’ and ‘Why do we need to make sacrifices?’. In Spanish, we look at how people in Spain celebrate the new year and our hobbies and sports along with food and Easter. In English, during Autumn term, we will be looking at two books ‘The Selfish Giant’ by Oscar Wilde when we will be writing descriptive pieces, diaries, newspaper reports and retelling the story from the giant’s point of view and ‘The Deepest Dark by Chris Hadfield, for this we will be writing a biography and a non-chronological report.

Our teachers in Class 10 - Year 4 are:
Mr Howes
Miss Oliver
Mr Howes
Miss Oliver

Typically, a day in Class 10 - Year 4 consists of:

Our doors open at 8.40 and your child will be greeted with a smile as they enter class.

Children will have the opportunity to practice their maths skills and then at 8:50 develop their knowledge of words with Word Aware lessons.

English and maths are taught daily and are followed by other exciting lessons: RE, RSHE, computing, history, geography, science, art, design and technology, PE, music and Spanish throughout the week. Please see the newsletter to see our topics this term.

Breaktime – 11.00-11.15

Lunchtime 12.45-1.30

The school day finishes at 3.20 when children can be collected from the classroom door.



Other general information:

P.E Days

Children have PE on a Monday and Thursday. They can come to school in their PE kit – either navy shorts and a red t-shirt or a navy tracksuit and red t-shirt along with black trainers.

Library Days

Children can change their library books on a Friday


Homework: Handed out every Friday and to be returned the following Friday

Each week Year 4 will get spellings, either maths or English. There are also times when projects linked to science, geography or history may be sent home.

Please make sure children read times a week and access Spelling Shed.

We would like our class to be ‘Green Readers’, in order for that to happen we need to have over 90% of our class reading at least 3 times a week. Obviously, we would like to have 100% every week!



I’m looking forward to an exciting year in Year 4 and am here to support your children in any way I can.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to speak to me on the playground at the end of the day, by ClassDojo or phone the school office and leave a message, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

This year your child is lucky enough to have access to a Healthy Living workshop on Thursday afternoon.

Mr Howes


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