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Class 11 – Year 5

Hi and Welcome to Class 11 - Year 5

We are so excited to welcome you into Class 11.

Autumn Term:

In English, during Autumn term, we will start by exploring the book ‘The Silver Sword’ by Ian Serraillier when we will be writing a diary entry, a character description and a classic narrative based on the book. We will also be generating information texts using poetry as a stimulus.

‘Star of Fear, Star of Hope’ is our text for after the half term; using this book as a stimulus, we will be writing a setting description, a character description and a retell
of the story from a character’s point of view. We will also be exploring persuasive adverts through ‘Christmas Truce’.

In Maths, we will start the year by recapping our knowledge of place value and applying new knowledge and skills in place value for numbers up to 1,000,000. We will be comparing, ordering, rounding and problem solving. We will continue through the term exploring
addition and subtraction, fractions, decimals up to 2 decimal places, perimeter and area, position and direction, multiplication and division and time.

In Science, we will be looking at Classification of animals and plants, as well as Life Cycles.

In Religious Education we will explore the units of Domestic Church, Baptism/Confirmation, Advent/Christmas and other Faiths: Judaism.

In Geography, we will be learning about Germany, leading to further Geography learning about the city of Liverpool. In History we will be learning about World War 1, World War 2 and the Impact of War. We will explore various themes including the causes of the first world war, life in the trenches, the Battle of the Somme, WW2 evacuation, rationing and the role of women.

In RSHE, we will be focusing on Relationships and Keeping Safe.

In Computing, we will be exploring Systems and Networks and manipulating and creating Spreadsheets.

In Art, we will be looking at Printing using foam tiles, rollers and printing ink.

In Music, we will be Listening to music linked to our topic on War, followed by an Instrumental unit on the theme of ‘living things’.

In Design Technology, after half term, we will explore Food and Nutrition.

In Spanish, we will recap previous learning and explore new language skills about the Family. After half term we will explore Where We Live and Christmas.

In PE lessons, we will be exploring the Invasion Games of hockey and basketball, followed by units on gymnastics and dance.




Our teachers in Class 11 - Year 5 are:
Miss Garner
Mrs Dawson
Miss Garner
Mrs Dawson

Typically, a day in Class 11 - Year 5 consists of:

Our doors open at 8.40 and your child will be greeted with a smile as they enter class

Once in class, there will be morning work to be getting on with – please encourage your child to arrive at school as soon as possible as every minute counts.

English and maths are taught daily and are followed by other exciting lessons: RE, RSHE, computing, history, geography, science, art, design and technology, PE, music and Spanish throughout the week. Please see the newsletter to see our topics this term.

Breaktime – 11.00-11.15

Lunchtime 12.45-1.30

The school day finishes at 3.20 when children can be collected from the classroom door, or if we have written permission from parents, children can walk home.

Other general information:

P.E Days

Children have PE on a Tuesday and a Thursday. They can come to school in their PE kit – either navy shorts and a red t-shirt or a navy tracksuit and red t-shirt along with black trainers.

Library Days

Children can change their library books on a Friday.


Handed out every Friday and to be returned the following Friday.

Each week Year 5 will get spellings, either maths or English, and sometimes science. There are also times when projects linked to science, geography or history may be sent home.

Please make sure children read 3 times a week and access Spelling Shed.


Homework is handed out every Friday and needs to be returned the following Friday.

Each week Year 5 will get spellings, maths and English. There are also times when projects linked to science, geography or history may be sent home.

Please make sure children read 3 times a week and access Spelling Shed.

We would like our class to be ‘Green Readers’, in order for that to happen we need to have over 90% of our class reading at least 3 times a week. Obviously, we would like to have 100% every week!


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