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Class 2 – Reception

Hi and Welcome to Class 2 - Reception

This year is very exciting! For the Reception children, it is their first year at school!

In Reception, your child will start to learn how to read using the Read Write Inc programme. We will be learning the first 26 letter sounds. Throughout the year we will continue to develop our reading and writing skills, beginning to read and write sentences. We will also be developing our handwriting skills.  This year in maths we will be developing basic maths skills across the different areas. Initially we will begin with recognising numbers to 10 and counting objects using 1 to 1 correspondence. We will be orally counting to 20 and recognising some 2D shapes.

Our teachers in Class 2 - Reception are:
Miss Lynch
Mrs Wright
Miss Tomblin
Miss Tomblin
Miss Lynch
Mrs Wright
Miss Tomblin
Miss Tomblin

Typically, a day in Class 2 - Reception consists of:

In Summer term 1, we are learning about plants, learning what they need to grow and naming the different parts. We will also be naming a variety of common flowers. We will also be looking at the life cycle of a chick and tadpole. Then we move on to naming common minibeasts and learning some key facts about them.

In Summer term 2 we will be learning about the world around us. We will be looking closely at maps and our local area, learning what maps are used for and where we live. We will also be learning about the King and where he lives. Then we will be looking at pirates, linking to the previous map work. We will be learning how to use a Beebot (robot) to move around a mat.

Other general information:

P.E Days

Class 2’s PE days are Thursday and Friday. On these days you can come into school in your P.E kits all day.

Library Days

Reading books and library books are changed every Wednesday. Please bring your reading bags into school everyday.


Number formations and certain letters will be handed out on a Friday for your child to practice over the weekend.


Please make sure your child brings a coat to school everyday.  We spend a lot of time outside in Reception.

Thank you for all your support.

Miss Lynch.

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