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Class 5 – Year 2

Hi and Welcome to Class 5 - Year 2

Year 2 is a very exciting year as children take on lots more responsibility being the oldest pupils in Key Stage One.

Year 2 is also a very important year when children sit the SATs tests during the month of May.  Please do not book holidays in May.

Our teachers in Class 5 - Year 2 are:
Mrs Ashurst
Mrs Harris
Mrs Ashurst
Mrs Harris

Typically, a day in Class 5 - Year 2 consists of:

Although SATs are formal tests, we aim to prepare children throughout the year so that when the time comes to sit the ‘real’ tests children are confident and happy with the situation as they have had lots of practice and it is a normal activity to them. We just ask that children are in school for the duration of May unless they are poorly.

We fit a lot of learning into our year but do so by covering exciting and interesting topics.

We will be finding out all about how we grow and the life-cycles of other animals, including ourselves. We explore what a healthy diet looks like and how we need to take care of our personal hygiene like washing hands. We also explore plants, how seeds disperse and why some trees are green all year round. We explore habitats of animals and test a range of materials to find the most suited material for different products.

We go back in time to life 100 years ago, exploring how people lived and how it compares to life now. We learn about World War 1 and why we must remember.  We explore the different continents of the world and the seven seas.

We read a range of interesting and exciting books. We are able to fluently read and talk about books we have listened to. This then leads itself into our writing where we learn about and use a range of genres, including non-chronological reports, recounts, stories and poetry. We explore maths in a fun and practical way before moving onto mental strategies.

We hope your child really enjoys their time in Year 2 as much as we enjoy teaching them.

Please read our Newsletters for further information.  Download them here….

Year 2 Curriculum Map


Other general information:

P.E Days

Class 5 PE days are Wednesday and Thursdays 

Library Days

We change library books on a Friday.
We also change reading books on a Thursday. Please can reading bags be in school every day.


Homework is sent home on a Friday and should be returned by the following Thursday.


All reading diaries need signing at least 3 times a week and should be in school everyday.  Books will be changed on a Thursday evening.

Class 5 - Year 2 Gallery

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