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Class 6 – Year 2

Hi and Welcome to Class 6 - Year 2

Welcome to Class 6 – Year 2.

Our teachers in Class 6 - Year 2 are:
Mrs Partington
Mrs Davidson
Mrs Partington
Mrs Davidson

Typically, a day in Class 6 - Year 2 consists of:

Welcome to the learning journey for year 2.

In Maths our year will start by revising place value. The children will need to read, write and order numbers up to one thousand or ten thousand in year 2. After, place value we will concentrate on the 4 operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). Once we have secured this we will then move onto learning about fractions, time, shape and different measurements. Throughout each Maths topic the children will complete challenge work to secure and further their knowledge.

In English, we will cover a variety of genres including recounts, reports, explanations, persuasion and narrative. We will link these genres to a hook which could be through our topic, guided reading, a class novel or a video extract. Within each unit we will cover a range of punctuation and grammar needed for the year group.

In our Geography lessons we will start by looking at the continents and oceans, before focussing on the Geography of the United Kingdom. We will develop our map skills by identifying capital cities and key landmarks. This will lead us into an in depth look at the UK’s coastlines, where we will learn about erosion and how different coastal features are formed. In the Summer term we will be investigating UK rivers, learning about the formation of a river and its journey. We will finish our Geography this year with an in depth study of one of England’s busiest cities, Liverpool.

Other general information:

P.E Days

Class 6 – PE Days are Wednesdays and Thursdays.


Library Days

We change our library books every Thursday.


Homework will be given out on Fridays to be handed in the following Thursday.

Reading books are collected every Thursday to be changed and handed out again on Fridays.

Children need to ensure that their book bags are in school each day so that we can read with them. There is an expectation that children read at least 3 times a week at home and that this is logged in their reading records.

We have introducing a new reading system at school. If children read 3 or more times at home then they are “green readers”. The class with the highest percentage of green readers at the end of the term get a green party! 💚

So please make sure your child is reading at home so they can have this extra end of term treat as well as improving their reading fluency

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