Our open evening for children starting reception in 2025, will take place on Thursday 14th November at 4pm.

Class 7 – Year 3

Hi and Welcome to Class 7 - Year 3

Welcome to the learning journey for Year 3, Class 7.

In English, Class 7 will learn to write in a variety of genres. This term we will be using the text ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’ to inspire our own narrative writing. We will also complete other incidental pieces of writing throughout this unit: letter writing, descriptions and instructions.  We will also cover a range of punctuation and grammar for the year group including expanded noun phrases, prepositions and fronted adverbials. In Reading, our class text is ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’ which tells the story of Arthur, an unlikely hero, saving his village and also introduces the children to Norse mythology to link with our work on the Vikings, in History. We will also be reading ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons.’

In Maths, we will be looking at the place value of numbers up to 1,000 by comparing, ordering and rounding numbers. We will also be learning the mental and formal written calculations for all four operations and use these skills to solve real life problems with money and measure. In measure, we will be measuring lengths and calculating the perimeter of shapes. Year 3, will learn how to read scales which will support their work in statistics when extracting information from bar charts etc. We will also be learning about the properties of shapes and symmetry within 2D shapes. We will complete the term by learning how to tell the time to the nearest minute and work out the duration of activities. In each unit of work, there will be opportunities for the children to apply their knowledge to solve reasoning and worded problems.

Learn Its

  • Recapping Year 2 Learn Its
  • Recapping multiples of 3
  • multiples of 4
  • Counting in 10s and 100s from a 3-digit number
  • Doubling multiples of 10

In RE, we will be studying ‘Creation and Covenant’ and ‘Prophecy and Promise’.

Creation and Covenant:

In the first branch, we will learn the story of Creation, humanity, being made in the image and likeness of God, being given the task of caring for the Earth and stewardship.

Prophecy and Promise:

In the second branch, we will look at the stories leading to Jesus’ birth and Sacraments of promises.

In Science, we will be learning about humans: nutrition, the digestive system, food chains and teeth. We will also be learning about magnets and forces, in particular, friction and how magnets attract and repel each other. Throughout these units of work, the children will have the opportunity to plan and carry out investigations to test their ideas and be able to draw conclusions from their results.

In the Autumn Term, Class 7 will be the UK, in Geography. We will find out about UK cities, towns and our local area. We will be looking at human and physical places around the UK and our local area.

In History, we will be asking the question: Who came to Britain and why? We will discover the reasons why the Anglo Saxons, Vikings and Normans came to Britain and how life changed for the people of Britain. Throughout this unit of work, we will learn about significant people and events such as the Battle of Hastings, Alfred the Great and William the Conqueror.

In Computing, we will be learning about computer systems and networks: identifying inputs and outputs and networks and how websites are shared on the Internet. We will also be doing some programming: creating sequences, using repetition.

In PE, we will continue to have Premier Sports deliver our lessons. The children will develop our ball skills in Multi-skills and will also learn how to choreograph a dance where they will travel in different ways.

In Art, we will be learning how to draw portraits by drawing faces with accuracy and expression. We will also be doing some 3D clay modelling and learn how to join, extend and clay with accuracy, using tools to add texture.

In Spanish, we will be talking about our favourite lessons in school, counting from 1 to 31 and learning about colours. We will also describe people’s personalities and look at how Christmas is celebrated in Spain.

In Music, we will listen to a variety of music and discuss the different textures which have been created. We will be able to tell the difference between live and recorded music. We will also be playing tuned instruments and learning about the value of crochets and minims. Those children who have individual tuition will also continue with this, throughout the term.

In DT, we will be following the process of designing, making and evaluating our own wraps. We will be learning about making healthy choices and about designing for an intended user’s specific criteria. We will also be practising how to cut foods safely using the correct grips.

During the Autumn Term, we will continue to talk about healthy relationships and how to keep ourselves safe, in RSHE.

As you can see, we have an amazing term ahead!

Our teachers in Class 7 - Year 3 are:
Mrs Lord
Mrs Lord

Typically, a day in Class 7 - Year 3 consists of:

Each morning the children need to arrive in school at 8.40. After putting away their belongings, they will practice key Maths skills, order lunches for anyone who has not ordered at home and take the register. The door closes at 8.50 and lessons begin then (please note if you arrive after this time, you will need to take your child through the main office for late registration). We will start our day with learning new vocabulary, before moving onto other learning. Each day the children will learn Maths, English, Reading or Phonics and will learn a range of foundation subjects throughout the week. Every Friday we have golden time, where the children get to choose an activity and mix with the other classes in Years 3 and 4.

Every Monday we will have PE at 9am, your child will need to come into school in their full PE kit and every Wednesday, until February half term, we will have swimming lessons at Howe Bridge – please ensure your child brings the correct swimwear and a towel on that day.

We have an assembly on Monday and on a Friday we celebrate achievements made throughout the week with a certificate assembly that include our Core Value certificates, home reading leaderboard announcements, birthday celebrations and a postcard which is given to a child in the class, voted for by the children in the class.


Other general information:

P.E Days

Class 7 – Mondays

Year 3 also go swimming every Wednesday at Howe Bridge Leisure Centre. The cost of this is £3 per week.

Library Days

Children will be given the opportunity to change their library book weekly.


Homework will be sent home on a Friday to be completed and returned the following Thursday. Homework will not consist of new learning but will give children the opportunity to consolidate learning they have done in class.

Spellings will be sent home weekly in paper form, and will also be available on Spelling Shed. These will be tested every Friday.

Children are expected to read at home with an adult 4 times a week. Please ensure that reading records are signed at home and come into school with children every day.


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