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Class 7 – Year 3

Hi and Welcome to Class 7 - Year 3

Welcome to the learning journey for Year 3 Class 7.

Our teachers in Class 7 - Year 3 are:
Mrs Lord
Mrs Riley
Mrs Thompson
Mrs Lord
Mrs Riley
Mrs Thompson

Typically, a day in Class 7 - Year 3 consists of:

Each morning the children need to arrive in school at 8.40. After putting away their stuff we practice key Maths skills, order lunches for anyone who has not ordered at home and take the register. The door closes at 8.50 and lessons begin then. Please note if you arrive after this time, you will need to take your child through the main office for late registration. After learning some new vocabulary, we start English lessons at 9am. Each day the children will learn Maths, English, Reading or Phonics and will learn a range of foundation subjects throughout the week. Every Friday we have golden time, where the children get to choose an activity and mix with the other classes in Years 3 and 4. We have an assembly on Monday which usually has either a visitor to conduct a workshop with the children, or is presented by another class in the school on a vital topic for your child’s understanding and dcevelopment through life. On Friday’s we celebrate achievements throughout the week with a certificate assembly that includes core value certificates, home reading leaderboard announcements, birthday celebrations and the postcard which is given to a child in the class, voted for by the children in the class.


Other general information:

P.E Days

Class 7 – Mondays

Year 3 also go swimming every Wednesday at Howe Bridge Leisure Centre. The cost of this is £3 per week.

Library Days

Children’s reading books will be changed when they finish it. Children can also read their library book that they will have the option to change weekly, or another book from home.


Homework will be sent home to be completed and returned the following week. Homework will not consist of new learning but will give children the opportunity to consolidate learning they have done in class.

Spellings will be sent home weekly in paper form, and also be available on spelling shed..

Reading. Children are expected to read at home with an adult 3 times a week. Please ensure that reading records are signed at home and come into school with children every day. If your child reads more than 3 times in a week and this is in their reading record, they will receive a prize. Children who do not read at home 3 times weekly will need to complete that reading within school during their playtimes.

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