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Class 9 – Year 4

Hi and Welcome to Class 9 - Year 4

We are so excited to welcome you into Class 9.

Here you will find what we have been up to each half-term and any class newsletters.


In Maths, we will begin our year by revising place value. The children will learn how to read, write, order and round numbers. We will also secure formal calculations for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Once the children have secured these methods, we will move on to fractions, time, shapes and measurements. In each unit of work, there will be opportunities for the children to apply their knowledge to solve reasoning and worded problems. We will also be focusing on learning our 6 and 7 times tables.

In English, Class 9 will learn to write in a variety of genres: fiction, non-fiction and poetry. The outcomes of a unit of writing include narratives, persuasion, explanations, reports, recounts and a variety of poetry. Each unit of work begins with a hook to interest the children, which may come from our class novel, a video clip or the topics taught in other subjects. We will also cover a range of punctuation and grammar for the year group.

In Autumn 1, Class 9 will be learning about how Britain changed during pre-history (from the Palaeolithic up to the Iron Age). We will be focusing on changes in tools, homes and food. Linked to this, in Art, we will be developing our painting skills by producing our own cave paintings. In Science, Class 9 will find out about the parts of a plant and their different functions. Our Computing lessons for this half term will be about Systems and Networks. Our PE sessions will continue to be provided by Premier Sports. Throughout our first term, the children will have the opportunity to develop a range of physical skills within the sports taught: Multi-Skills and Dance. In Music, the children will begin the year by listening to songs from British culture. In Spanish, we will be using ‘Language Angels’ to support our learning. This year, we will cover a variety of topics: Phonics, Introductions and Numbers and Dates. Our topics in RSHE include looking at Healthy Relationships and Keeping Safe.

During Autumn 2, Class 9 will learn about the Roman invasion of Britain, in History and discover what the Romans brought to Britain. In Geography, we will be learning about UK place names. Our Art topic is all around portraits and perfecting our drawing and shading skills. In Science, we will be finding out about Rocks and Soils and programming, using Scratch, in Computing. We will also be making pop-up cards, in DT, just in time for Christmas! PE will continue to develop our skills in Gymnastics and Invasion Games. In Music, we will make links to our Rocks and Soils topic, in Science, using instruments. In Spanish, we will be learning about Dia de los Muertos, Where I Live and Christmas. In RSHE we will be learning about Online Safety and Mental Wellbeing.


In Maths, we will begin Spring Term by revising place value. The children will learn how to read, write, order and round numbers. We will also secure formal calculations for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Once the children have secured these methods, we will move on to Shapes – Angles, Position and Direction, Fractions, Decimals, Measure and Statistics. In each unit of work, there will be opportunities for the children to apply their knowledge to solve reasoning and worded problems. We will also be focusing on learning our 9, 11 and 12 times tables.

In English, Class 9 will learn to write in a variety of genres: fiction, non-fiction and poetry. The outcomes of a unit of writing include narratives, persuasion, explanations, reports, recounts and a variety of poetry. Each unit of work begins with a hook to interest the children, which start by focusing on the story – Coming to England by Floella Benjamin.

In Spring, Class 9 will be learning about all about the Geography of Italy. In Science, Class 9 will find out about the skeletons and muscles of Humans and look at different skeletons of different animals. Our Computing lessons for this half term will be about Publishing and Programming. Our PE sessions will continue to be provided by Premier Sports. Throughout this term, the children will have the opportunity to develop a range of physical skills within the topic Invasion games – Rugby and Hockey. In Music, the children will continue to work with the Wigan Music Service. In Spanish, we will be using ‘Language Angels’ to support our learning. This year, we will cover a variety of topics: Epiphany and Families.  Our topics in RSHE include looking at Online Safety and Mental Wellbeing.

During Spring 2, Class 9 will learn about Greece and its place names. Our Art topic is all printing and making 3D pots linking to our Greek topic. In Science, we will be finding out about a Plant’s Life Cycle and programming, using Scratch, in Computing. We will also be making DT links to our Italy topic through looking at Italian Cuisine. PE will continue to develop our skills in Net and Wall games – Dodgeball and Tennis.  In Spanish, we will be learning about Hobbies and Easter. In RSHE we will be learning about Online Safety and Mental Wellbeing.

Our teachers in Class 9 - Year 4 are:
Mr Hibbert
Mrs Russell
Mrs Hunt
Mr Hibbert
Mrs Russell
Mrs Hunt

Typically, a day in Class 9 - Year 4 consists of:

Our doors open at 8.40 and your child will be greeted with a smile as they enter class

Once in class, there will be morning work to be getting on with – please encourage your child to arrive at school as soon as possible as every minute counts.

English and maths are taught daily and are followed by other exciting lessons: RE, RSHE, computing, history, geography, science, art, design and technology, PE, music and Spanish throughout the week. Please see the newsletter to see our topics this term.

Breaktime – 11.00-11.15

Lunchtime 12.30-1.15

The school day finishes at 3.20 when children can be collected from the classroom door.

Other general information:

P.E Days

Children have PE on a Tuesday and Wednesday. They can come to school in their PE kit – either navy shorts and a red t-shirt or a navy tracksuit and red t-shirt along with black trainers.

Library Days

Children can change their library books on a Friday.


Homework is handed out every Friday and needs to be returned the following Friday.

Each week Year 4 will get spellings, maths and English. There are also times when projects linked to science, geography or history may be sent home.

Please make sure children read 3 times a week and access Spelling Shed.

We would like our class to be ‘Green Readers’, in order for that to happen we need to have over 90% of our class reading at least 3 times a week. Obviously, we would like to have 100% every week!


I’m looking forward to an exciting year in year 4 and am here to support your children in any way I can.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to speak to me at the classroom door at the end of the day, by ClassDojo or phone the school office and leave a message, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

This year your child is lucky enough to have access to Wigan Music Service on a Tuesday afternoon, when they will be learning to play either the viola, violin or cello. Can we ask you ensure your child brings in their insrtument every Tuesday and tries to practise whenever possible at home.

Mr Hibbert

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