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Class 9 – Year 4

Hi and Welcome to Class 9 - Year 4

We are so excited to welcome you into Class 9.

Here you will find what we have been up to each half-term and any class newsletters.


In Maths, we will begin our year by revising place value. The children will learn how to read, write, order and round numbers. We will also secure formal calculations for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Once the children have secured these methods, we will move on to fractions, time, shapes and measurements. In each unit of work, there will be opportunities for the children to apply their knowledge to solve reasoning and worded problems. We will also be focusing on learning our 6 and 7 times tables.

In English, Class 9 will learn to write in a variety of genres. This term we will be using the text ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’ to inspire our own narrative writing. We will also complete other incidental pieces of writing throughout this unit: letter writing, descriptions and instructions.  We will also cover a range of punctuation and grammar for the year group including expanded noun phrases, prepositions and fronted adverbials. In Reading, our class text is ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’ which tells the story of Arthur, an unlikely hero, saving his village and also introduces the children to Norse mythology to link with our work on the Vikings, in History. We will also be reading ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons.’

Autumn 1 –

In Geography, we will be learning all about the UK – Cities, Towns and Local Area. Focusing on the places names of landmarks and key locations around the UK. We will also be looking at our Local Area and the Human and Physical Features around our school.

In History, we will be asking the question: Who came to Britain and why? We will discover the reasons why the Anglo Saxons, Vikings and Normans came to Britain and how life changed for the people of Britain. Throughout this unit of work, we will learn about significant people and events such as the Battle of Hastings, Alfred the Great and William the Conqueror.

In Computing, we will be learning about computer systems and networks: identifying inputs and outputs and networks and how websites are shared on the Internet. We will also be doing some programming: creating sequences, using repetition.

In PE, we will continue to have Premier Sports deliver our lessons. The children will develop our ball skills in Multi-skills and will also learn how to choreograph a dance where they will travel in different ways.

In Art, we will be learning how to draw portraits by drawing faces with accuracy and expression. We will also be doing some 3D clay modelling and learn how to join, extend and clay with accuracy, using tools to add texture.

In Spanish, we will be talking about our favourite lessons in school, counting from 1 to 31 and learning about colours. We will also describe people’s personalities and look at how Christmas is celebrated in Spain.

In DT, we will be following the process of designing, making and evaluating our own wraps. We will be learning about making healthy choices and about designing for an intended user’s specific criteria. We will also be practising how to cut foods safely using the correct grips.

In Music, we will listen to a variety of music and discuss the different textures which have been created. We will be able to tell the difference between live and recorded music. We will also be playing tuned instruments and learning about the value of crochets and minims. Those children who have individual tuition will also continue with this, throughout the term.

In Science, we will be learning about humans: nutrition, the digestive system, food chains and teeth. We will also be learning about magnets and forces, in particular, friction and how magnets attract and repel each other. Throughout these units of work, the children will have the opportunity to plan and carry out investigations to test their ideas and be able to draw conclusions from their results.

Our teachers in Class 9 - Year 4 are:
Mr Hibbert
Mrs Russell
Mrs Hunt
Mr Hibbert
Mrs Russell
Mrs Hunt

Typically, a day in Class 9 - Year 4 consists of:

Our doors open at 8.40 and your child will be greeted with a smile as they enter class

Once in class, there will be morning work to be getting on with – please encourage your child to arrive at school as soon as possible as every minute counts.

English and maths are taught daily and are followed by other exciting lessons: RE, RSHE, computing, history, geography, science, art, design and technology, PE, music and Spanish throughout the week. Please see the newsletter to see our topics this term.

Breaktime – 11.00-11.15

Lunchtime 12.30-1.15

The school day finishes at 3.20 when children can be collected from the classroom door.

PE – Tuesday and Thursday

Music Lessons – Tuesdays

Other general information:

P.E Days

Children have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday. They can come to school in their PE kit – either navy shorts and a red t-shirt or a navy tracksuit and red t-shirt along with black trainers.

Library Days

Children can change their library books on a Friday.


Homework is handed out every Friday and needs to be returned the following Friday.

Each week Year 4 will get spellings, maths and English. There are also times when projects linked to science, geography or history may be sent home.

Please make sure children read 3 times a week and access Spelling Shed.

We would like our class to be ‘Green Readers’, in order for that to happen we need to have over 90% of our class reading at least 3 times a week. Obviously, we would like to have 100% every week!


I’m looking forward to an exciting year in year 4 and am here to support your children in any way I can.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to speak to me at the classroom door at the end of the day, by ClassDojo or phone the school office and leave a message, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

This year your child is lucky enough to have access to Wigan Music Service on a Tuesday afternoon, when they will be learning to play either the viola, violin or cello. Can we ask you ensure your child brings in their insrtument every Tuesday and tries to practise whenever possible at home.

Mr Hibbert


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