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Pre School

Hi and Welcome to Pre School

Pre-school is the first step of your child’s school journey!

Children can begin their Preschool journey at St Gabriel’s as soon as they turn 3 years old.

We encourage children to start their journey sooner rather than later, so they can establish routines and boundaries in preparation for their Reception year.

Our teachers in Pre School are:
Miss Corkin
Miss Dean
Miss Corkin
Miss Dean

Typically, a day in Pre School consists of:

We offer children a very fun, stimulating environment both indoors and outdoors, providing opportunities for children to learn and develop through structured play.

We focus initially on the development of the PRIME AREAS of learning: Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional development and Physical development. Children will learn and develop skills on their listening, understanding, and social skills. We have recently begun to implement ‘Squiggle whilst you wiggle’ which is a tool for early writing and uses dance and large movements to help children develop their fine muscle control they need for writing. Additionally, we have also begun to implement ‘Wellcomm’. This programme helps to support speech, language and communication. The programme can also identify if children need extra support and key interventions can be put in place early to support listening and understanding skills.

We have also introduced the toothbrushing scheme into Pre-school and children will clean their teeth after their dinner.

Pre-school begin their Autumn term welcoming new starters, and learning is based on an ‘Ourselves’ themed topic. Children learn and talk about what they look like, how old they are and what happens during a birthday and who they live with at home talking about key family members. We enjoy painting self-portraits and looking at both baby and family photos. We also learn about body parts and the importance of brushing teeth, with links to doctors and dentists and how they can help us. We will also have a visit from a nurse who will talk about their role and how they can look after us if we hurt ourselves.

During Autumn 2, we begin by learning about Colours, which links nicely to Bonfire and Diwali celebrations. We focus on a colour each week and end the topic with a ‘Rainbow party’ where children can come to school dressed in their favourite colour. We then begin to think about Christmas. We listen to stories, write our letters to Father Christmas and take a walk to the post box to post the letters. Children end the term by taking part in their first Christmas performance.

Our themes for Spring term are ‘People who help us’ and ‘Growing’. Towards the end of the term we will also then begin to think about celebrations at Easter. We will have a visit from the Fire service and local PCSO. During our Growing topic we will learn about the life cycle of a human and a caterpillar. We will have real life caterpillars and watch how they grow into butterflies!

Our final Summer term is very exciting! We enjoy reading various traditional tales, think about our favourite foods and have a topic on Animals which includes a trip to either the farm or zoo. Children really enjoy this experience of seeing animals in real life. During our Summer term children will also take part in Sports day. We will finally end the term with their Graduation!

Our Graduation ceremony is always lovely to see how much progress has been made by all children and a very emotional part of the year for families!


Please make sure children have a coat every day no matter what the weather as children spend most of their time outdoors.

Please label all clothing with your child’s name to avoid clothing going missing.

Please bring in wellies so children can access water play and mud kitchen outdoors.

NO JEWELLERY to be worn in Pre-school, including earrings.

Other general information:

P.E Days

Monday ONLY.

Library Days

Wednesday 9.00am – 9.30am and 2.30pm – 3.00pm

Pre School Gallery

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