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RSHE Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

Curriculum Lead Teacher: Mrs Boothby (Mrs Kidman & SLT Temporarily)


At St Gabriels Primary School, our RSHE curriculum is closely matched to the needs of our children and the diverse society that they are growing up in. It is regularly monitored through staff, pupil and parent consultation tools to ensure that the topics taught explore the demands of modern life.

RSHE is a vital tool to ensuring that children develop emotionally as well as academically and therefore is held with high regard by all within our school. The RSHE curriculum within our school allows children to develop their confidence and self-esteem which in turn allows them to recognise their own worth; whilst also ensuring that our children are well equipped with the skills of collaborative learning. In addition to this we prepare our children to play active roles as citizens within the wider society; allowing them to develop positive relationships and maintain a healthy lifestyle. We hope that through our rSHE education we equip the children with the ability to ask questions; having the confidence to challenge when they think something is wrong.


At St Gabriel’s we have created a programme of study in line with the RSHE Association and in accordance with SEAL documents   that meets the needs of our school and all our children. The two main core themes of our RSHE programme of study focuses on Relationships Education and Health Education. A third core theme, Living in the Wider World is also an integral aspect of our curriculum.

Relationships Education

  • Families and people who care for me
  • Caring friendships
  • Respectful relationships
  • Online relationships
  • Being safe

Health Education

  • Mental wellbeing
  • Internet safety and harms
  • Physical health and fitness
  • Healthy eating
  • Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
  • Health and prevention
  • Basic first aid
  • Changing adolescent body Department for Education statutory guidance states that from

The scheme of work also compliments British Values and themed days/weeks throughout the year e.g. Anti-bullying week, Chinese New Year etc.

RSHE is mapped out and delivered through weekly 30 minute family time sessions. It is also taught as discrete focused lessons and embedded throughout the curriculum. RSHE is an important part of school assemblies were children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural curiosity is stimulated, challenged and nurtured.


To ensure that children at our school are equipped with knowledge and skills that will enable them to be ready for life as an adult in the wider world. We aim to equip children with skills that will allow them to grow into healthy and proactive members of society; who challenge stereotypes and break perceived barriers that are put in their way that stop them from reaching their true potential.

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