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After School Clubs

St Gabriel’s Catholic Primary School after School Clubs

Out of School Provision This Term

Letters for new After School Club places will be sent out each half term.  You must re-apply for places each half term as activities change each time.  You will receive a reply informing you which places your child has been allocated to you once forms are received.

Each session costs £2.50 per child until 4.30pm, we now have an extended Munch Bunch session which takes place from 4.30pm until 5.45pm.  To stay for the Munch Bunch session will be a further £3.50 (£6 in total from 3.30pm).  Children will be provided with a snack tea during the Munch Bunch session.

Please note: ALL clubs are limited to 20 places, allocated on a first come, first served basis, in line with the After School Club policy.  In cases where clubs are full, an alternative club will be offered where available, but this not always be possible.  

“I love going to after school club because it is fun and I can do lots of different activities.” Emma Lord, Year 5.

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